Wine Lists

Wines from your cellar to open now

By Anna Webster

24 Jan, 2022

These 50 top-rated wines are approaching their drink-to date. If you have any in your cellar, now is the time to open them. 

When Halliday Tasting Team member Jane Faulkner was asked to share any new year resolutions she may have, she said “…to pull out a fab (fingers crossed) bottle from its allocated spot in my cellar for no special reason.” 

If you’ve been thinking of doing the same, but aren’t sure where to start, we’ve compiled a list of 96-plus-point wines with a drink-to date of 2023 or 2024 to make it easier. This list is just a snapshot — you can also use the Halliday Virtual Cellar to track drinking windows, because the only thing worse than not drinking a wine is drinking it too late.