Yering Farm

Victoria | Yarra Valley

Our Review

Former East Doncaster orchardist Alan Johns acquired the 40ha Yeringa Vineyard property in 1980; the property had originally been planted by the Deschamps family in the mid-19th century and known as Yeringa Cellars. From orchardist to vigneron is not a large step, and he intuitively chose optimum vine spacing and trellis systems, with a relatively low yield per ha. The wines are largely sold through Vic restaurants and the cellar door. All are made onsite by Alan. Exports to the US, Canada and Asia. -JAMES HALLIDAY


Winemaker Alan Johns
Viticulturalist Alan Johns
Region Yarra Valley
Address 19–21 St Huberts Road, Yering, Vic 3770
Established 1989
Dozens 6000
Vineyards (area) 14.5 ha
Opening Hours Mon–Sun 10–5
Telephone (03) 9739 0461
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