Cooke Brothers Wines

South Australia | South Australia | Ngarrindjeri

Our Review

The 3 brothers (eldest to youngest) are: Simon, Jason and Ben. Ben is the partner of Charlotte Hardy, winemaker/owner of Charlotte Dalton Wines. While the elder brothers are not actively involved in the business, Ben has had a long career in wine: 7 years’ retail for Booze Brothers, 2 vintages at Langhorne Creek '00–01, and full-time cellar hand/assistant winemaker at Shaw + Smith ’03–12 while undertaking wine science and viticulture degrees at CSU from ’04–11. If this were not enough, he had 3 northern Californian vintages at the iconic Williams Selyem winery in ’08, ’12 and ’13. -JAMES HALLIDAY


Winemaker Ben Cooke
Viticulturalist Ben Cooke
Traditional Place Name Ngarrindjeri
Region South Australia
Address Factory 9, 89–91 Hill Street, Port Elliot, SA 5212
Established 2016
Dozens 1200
Opening Hours Fri 12–9, w’ends 12–5
Telephone 0409 170 684