Our Review
Ibis Wines is located just north of Orange on what was once a family orchard. Planting of the vineyard commenced in 1988, and a winery was completed in ’98. The grapes are sourced from the home vineyards (at an altitude of 800 m), the Habitat Vineyard (at 1100 m on Mt Canobolas) (pinot noir and merlot) and the Kanjara Vineyard (shiraz). Its future is gloomy: urban sprawl and the gradual retirement of owner/winemaker Phil Stevenson suggest its days are numbered. -JAMES HALLIDAY
Rating |
Winemaker |
Phil Stevenson |
Region |
Orange |
Address |
239 Kearneys Drive, Orange, NSW 2800
Established |
1988 |
Dozens |
500 |
Opening Hours |
W'ends & public hols 11-5, or by appt |
Telephone |
(02) 6362 3257
Website |